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MVA Lawyer Lake Charles, LA

MVA Lawyer Lake Charles, LAIt’s no secret that most adults in Louisiana and across the country fail to get enough sleep each night. We live in such a hustle and bustle society, with people on the go, often lamenting there are just not enough hours in the day to get everything they need to done. Unfortunately, this lack of sleep can affect how a driver operates their vehicle and can put them – as well as other commuters – at a high risk of crashing. At Delphin Law Offices, each MVA lawyer in Lake Charles, LA have successfully represented dozens of victims who were injured in crashes caused by a fatigued driver.

The issue of drowsy driving is more serious than many people may realize. According to data from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in 25 adult drivers admits to falling asleep while behind the wheel in the prior 30 days.

Statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reveal that drowsy driving is responsible for killing more than 1,500 victims each year, however, the federal agency has stated that fatigued driving is likely the cause of about 6,000 deaths each year. A Lake Charles, LA MVA lawyer knows that many at-fault drivers will not admit they were driving while exhausted when the accident occurred. More than 70,000 victims are injured in drowsy driving accidents.

As an MVA lawyer from Lake Charles, LA can explain, the majority of drowsy driving accidents take place between midnight and 6 a.m. Some of the risk factors that contribute to these types of crashes include:

  • Driving alone or with passengers who are sleeping
  • Driving for long hours with too few or no breaks
  • Use of alcohol
  • Use of anti-anxiety medications
  • Use of sleep aids
  • Undiagnosed or untreated sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea

There are warning signs that can alert a driver that they are too tired to be driving and need to pull over to a safe place. These signs include:

  • Blinking repeatedly to try to keep eyes open
  • Yawning excessively
  • Daydreaming
  • Drifting into another vehicle’s lane and back again
  • Swerving or hitting the rumble strip on the side of the highway
  • Missing the correct exit
  • Forgetting the last few miles they have driven

Getting enough sleep, staying on a regular sleep schedule, and not taking any medications that could affect alertness while driving are all critical to staying safe and keeping other drivers safe.

Let a Lake Charles, LA MVA Lawyer Help

Unfortunately, no matter how well-rested a driver may be before they head out in their vehicle, there is always the risk of sharing the road with a driver who has not acted as responsibility. If you have been injured in a crash caused by a drowsy driver, contact an MVA lawyer Lake Charles, LA clients recommend from the Delphin Law Offices to find out how our legal team can help you get the financial compensation you deserve.

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